I got the hook up song list
I got the hook up song list

i got the hook up song list

I put on Mariah Carey’s “Vision of Love” during a smooch sesh once and the guy was like, “Could you change this song?” And I was like, “Could you get the fuck out of my house.” Just kidding, what I actually said was, “Leave now.” The point is if you don’t like the same music, you probably also don’t agree about a lot of other important shit and the next thing you know you’re getting a divorce because you want the kids to go public school so they can be “street smart” and he wants to send them to St. Putting on groovy tunes is also useful because then you can find out if your partner in crime(s of passion) actually has good taste. It’s all about finding that sweet spot…and also picking the right music. When it comes to setting the mood you don’t want to be too obvious (Al Green) but you also don’t want to go too obscure (Watergate recordings).

i got the hook up song list

The challenge of curating a make-out playlist, however, is that it’s hard to always pick the right songs.

i got the hook up song list

Jonathan Music if you don’t believe me (actually, don’t look it up). Did you know that covering up the sounds of consummation was actually the reason that music was invented? Look up Dr. Also, if you have roommates, music can cover up the monkey screaming that goes on during “game time.” The point is that music during whoopee = The Right Stuff. A silent sex fiesta means being forced to listen to genital sloshing, smacking kisses, and also depending on the P to V ratio, maybe a queef or two. A bone-session without music is like a salad without blue cheese, AKA waste of my time.

I got the hook up song list